Specialty Practice Lawyers and Law Firms

Elite Lawyer Management Focuses on Specialists

The Elite Lawyer Management legal services marketing process helps successful attorneys in specialty and boutique practices maintain and grow their dominant positions. In terms of law practice success, lawyers who specialize – and here we are using the real definition rather than Bar association constructs they use to categorize and control lawyers – are more likely to be successful.

We all prefer to hire specialists. Your local handyman might be perfectly capable of installing a new roof but a company that presents itself as a roofing company is going to get our business. At Elite Lawyer Management we see this all the time. Smart and experienced lawyers who have done work on a dozen types of cases, losing out to a less qualified attorney who markets herself as a specialist.

Elite Lawyer Management Productizes Your Focus Areas

An early step in the Elite Lawyer Management practice development process therefore is do identify two or three focus areas to productize. An attorney can focus on a single area but they miss out on collateral opportunities and so we help identify the two or three “specialty” areas where our clients can develop Thought Leader status. They are often in related areas, e.g. criminal law, police misconduct, and civil rights.

Once those areas are identified we break down the focus areas into their underlying elements, define appropriate messaging in response to the most likely concerns and opportunities target clients will have, and productize the legal services that solve problems for those clients or help them realize opportunities. We then market and promote those productized legal services.

ELM Represented Attorneys Dominate Their Specialties

Every legal specialty – class actions, intellectual property, family law, personal injury … – has an elite 1% who are regarded with professional awe, attract the best clients, command the highest fees, are constantly providing expert commentary for the media, manage a constant stream of outbound referrals, get book deals, and otherwise dominate their specialty’s landscape.

Elite Lawyer Management makes those things happen surprisingly quickly for our clients as we know how to propel attorneys to the top strata of both their specialty and the legal profession in general.

An Effective Specialty Law Practice Promotion Mix

Elite Lawyer Management’s well-focused specialist attorneys generate extraordinary professional income whether they are a specialty practice leader in a large law firm or a principal in a boutique practice. Successful and high visibility thought leaders never have to sell their services, compete on any sort of fee basis, and they are always in demand. The Elite Lawyer Management secret for developing Thought Leaders?

The proven ELM mix of branding professional expertise, effective publicity, strategic speaking engagements, tactical online presences, and other Elite Lawyer Management tools, proprietary methodologies and technologies promote, support, and empower the powerful, authentic, and differentiated professional.

Elite Lawyer Management Results for Specialty Practices

We know how to brand and promote the expertise of practice leaders in every specialty: product liability, antitrust, environmental law, civil rights and the rest. The Elite Lawyer Management process is part art, part science, and is always effective at catapulting an experienced lawyer past her competitors.

Our results: A powerful and portable professional brand that attracts new clients, builds loyalty among your existing clients, and even enhances your position in settlement negotiations. Our national practice is limited to talented experienced lawyers and we limit our client list to attorneys in non-competing specialties and geography.

If you are interested in growing your specialty practice, raising your visibility, winning a book deals, and otherwise building and leveraging a powerful specialty brand, give us a call for a confidential discussion of your possibilities.

Call us at 888.787.2246 or connect with us by email: [hidden email]